UN sustainability goals

HAAHJEM® supports UN's work on sustainability goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals were adopted in the autumn of 2015. They describe 17 goals and sub-goals for sustainable global development up to 2030. The goals see the environment, economy and social development in context. They apply to all countries and are a roadmap map for the global efforts for sustainable development.

HAAHJEM® is a manufacturer and supplier of equipment for the recycling, construction and mineral industries. The equipment requires greater amounts of energy. In light of the sustainable global development goals, this entails a commitment to developing solutions that build on zero emissions and increased use of renewable energy sources.

Clean energy and proper energy use are important in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. We choose to build our strategy for the company's development and will establish measures to meet the UN's plan with a focus on the following two sustainability goals:

  • Goal 09: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production

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