Process industry

HAAHJEM® PugMill 1050-16 TB

Process industry

HAAHJEM® PugMill 1050-16 TB

Material mixing and mixing of 2 to 4 products with ground storage directly! "PugMill" is worldwide a well-known term. New downstream solutions and circular economy (reuse) also actualise this here at home.

A "PugMill" is in effect a powerful mixer consisting of 2 powerful shaft drives with blades that rotate opposite of each other.

PugMIll 1050-16 TB consists of a belt-running tape conveyor (CC 16 m/BB 1050 mm) with feed pocket and a powerful mixer (PugMill) placed at the end of the conveyor. The device can be supplemented with a unique mixer on belts. This consists of two feed pockets and tape feeders ensure dosing so that multi-graduated material can be mixed together in the Pugmill

Irish Manufacturing Services Ltd. has developed this solution together with leading material manufacturers where process, maintenance ability and mobility have been governing the construction. In a short time, 25 machines are delivered. Other technical specifications when requesting.

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